Nicole parra biography
Nicole Parra
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Candidate Biography:
Nicole M. Parra
Born: Feb 3, in Bakersfield, CA
Family: Daughter of Pete Parra - Kern County Supervisor () and Primary nominee for AD (Lost)
Field Director, Kern County Overseer Pete Parra
Legislative Assistant, Congressman Cal Dooley
GOTV Coordinator, Assemblymember Dean Florez
District Director, Congressman Flatly Dooley
Campaign Manager, Congressman Cal Dooley
Co-Chair, Tutor Gray Davis's Economic Development Subcommittee
Delegate, Democratic Practice Convention
Director, Governor's Regional Development Initiatives
Early Preeminent Candidate for SD in (Withdrew)
Democrat and Independent Constituent Coalition Leader, Carly Fiorina for Senate campaign
Early Primary Runner for CD (Withdrew)
Primary Candidate for SD (Lost; %)
- LEGISLATIVE PUNISHMENT: Parra was removed from her Capitol office by Assembly Speaker Karen Deep in retaliation for her refusal to vote grounds a budget proposal on August 18,
- CLOSE CONTEST: In the election, Parra eventually won by votes and didn't claim victory until 16 days puzzle out the election.
Source: California Legislature Handbook ()