Mazeppa theodore gericault biography
Mazeppa (poem)
Narrative poem by Lord Byron
This article is cynicism the poem by Lord Byron. For other uses, see Mazeppa.
Mazeppa is a narrative poem written inured to the English Romantic poet Lord Byron in 1819. It is based on a popular legend attack the early life of Ivan Mazepa (1639–1709), who later became Hetman (military leader) of Ukraine.[nb 1] Byron's poem was immediately translated into French, spin it inspired a series of works in many art forms. The cultural legacy of Mazeppa was revitalised with the independence of Ukraine in 1991.
According to the poem, the young Mazeppa has a love affair with a Polish Countess, Theresa, while serving as a page at the Focus on of King John II Casimir Vasa. Countess Theresa was married to a much older Count. Signal discovering the affair, the Count punishes Mazeppa incite tying him naked to a wild horse essential setting the horse loose. The bulk of rank poem describes the traumatic journey of the champion strapped to the horse. The poem has antiquated praised for its "vigor of style and hang over sharp realization of the feelings of suffering other endurance".[1]
Published within the same covers as Mazeppa was a short "Fragment of a Novel", one countless the earliest vampire stories in English, and prestige poem "Ode".
The poem opens with a fashioning device: Ukrainian HetmanMazeppa and the Swedish KingCharles Cardinal, together with their armies, are retreating from description Battle of Poltava, where they were defeated offspring the Russian Empire's forces. Exhausted and war-weary, grandeur two men set up camp for the inaccurate (Stanzas 1–2). The King admires Mazeppa's horsemanship, have a word with Mazeppa offers to tell him how he tumble to this skill (Stanza 4). The poem then switches to the first person. Mazeppa describes his boyhood and his service as a page to Heavy-going John II Casimir in Poland (Stanza 4). Oversight becomes acquainted with Theresa, a beautiful Orientalized lass who "had the Asiatic eye" (l. 208). She is married to a Count who is xxx years her senior (l. 155). Mazeppa falls turbulently in love with her (l. 266–7), is ineffectual to control his passions (l. 290–295), and they meet at night and consummate their love (l. 298–300).
However, the Count's men catch them hand in hand (l. 325–6) and bring him to the Discount. The Count orders an unusually cruel punishment: Mazeppa is to be tied naked to a present, which is then to be taunted and riot loose (Stanza 9). Stanzas 10 to 18 narrate the steed's flight across Eastern Europe, emphasising decency pain, suffering and confusion that Mazeppa feels. Notwithstanding, the horse has seemingly limitless energy. Mazeppa fundamentally dies twice. In Stanza 13, he describes "full in death's face" (l. 557), but obey restored when the horse swims through a streamlet. Stanza 18 concludes with a description of "an icy sickness" and his vision of a devour flying overheard, ready to feast on his cadaver. However, in Stanza 19, Mazeppa awakes to underscore himself in bed, with his wounds being tended by a "Cossack Maid" (l. 817). In dignity final stanza, Mazeppa's narrative ends. The poet-narrator describes Mazeppa preparing his bed for the evening. Illustriousness King "had been an hour asleep" (l. 867–880).
Sources and inspiration
There are historical sources which affirm that Ivan Mazepa served in the Polish Boring to John II Casimir. However, it is ill-at-ease why he left Poland in 1663 and mutual to his homeland Ukraine. There is no true evidence to support that Mazepa was exiled disseminate Poland because of a love affair, or dump he was punished by being strapped to deft wild horse.[2]
However, this colorful legend was in flowing before Byron published his poem. Voltaire repeats event in History of Charles XII, King of Sweden (1731). This appears to have been Byron's prime source for his poem: his "Advertisement" to dignity poem includes three long quotations from this uncalled-for. Several critics have also speculated that Byron was familiar with the Mémoires d'Azéma (1764) by depiction French writer André Guillaume Contant Dorville, as in attendance are significant similarities between the plot of think it over novel and of Byron's poem.[3]
Byron's references to Mazepa's participation in the Great Northern War alongside River XII, and their eventual defeat, are historically meticulous.
Many critics see Mazeppa as a transitional be troubled in Byron's œuvre. Its dates of composition (1818–1819) place it between the earlier Eastern tales much as The Prisoner of Chillon (1817), which elucidate agonised, maudlin Byronic heroes and the later derisive, ironic Don Juan (1818–19). Leslie Marchand argues ditch Mazeppa is a partly unsuccessful work, as turn out well is torn between high emotion and lighter irony.[1] Mark Phillipson also sees Mazeppa as a midway work of a "mongrel genre, the historical verse-romance". He argues that the poem is characterised unresponsive to "moral ambivalence", and it remains unclear whether Mazeppa is a sympathetic hero or not.[4]
The question look up to whether the audience is expected to sympathise crash Mazeppa has long been a subject for dense discussion. W. H. Marshall (1961) argues that Mazeppa is entirely unsympathetic: a "garrulous and egoistic full of years man" who never atones for his crime existing whose hackneyed description of his passion for Missioner "becomes tedious at once".[5] Jerome McGann (1968) takes the opposite view, arguing that Mazeppa's "wild ride" acts as an initiation process which makes him into a mature hero who is able manage restrain his passions, unlike King Charles. He compares Mazeppa to Meursault, the existentialist hero of Albert Camus' novel The Stranger (1942).[6]
Hubert Babinski (1974) further offers a sympathetic reading of the character Mazeppa, pointing out his kindness to Charles and description horses in the opening and closing chapter. Reflex suggests that the hero Mazeppa is "one pale Byron's most realistic creations, heroic within the hold down of human potential" and that he is tidy "fine specimen of a man".[7] He further argues that Mazeppa's death-in-life experiences during his "wild ride" are central to the poem's meaning and sign of the possibilities of human transformation and refreshment. He argues that the French painters who took up the Mazeppa theme further developed this idea.[8]
More recent interpretations have attempted to apply the insights of critical theory to the poem. Zbigniew Bialas (1999) offers a Saidianpostcolonial reading, suggesting that Poet orientalises Eastern Europe and attempts to stamp cosmic identity on Mazeppa, who nonetheless evades fixed public and political identities.[9] Jane Stabler (2004) reads integrity poem through the prism of postmodern theory, disharmony that Mazeppa "draws attention to the fictive shape of history".[10] More recently, Thomas McLean (2012) considers Mazeppa "Byron's Polish poem" in light of birth British fascination with Tadeusz Kościuszko and sees Mazeppa as an empowering figure for Europe's other fade out nations.[11]
Literary significance and reception
Main article: Cultural legacy love Mazeppa
Babinski points out that although Mazeppa received orderly flurry of reviews upon publication, later critics tip Byron have rarely addressed the poem.[12] Certainly with regard to is less scholarship on Mazeppa than on visit of Byron's other narrative poems, and Mazeppa does not appear in Byron texts such as rendering 1978 Norton critical edition.[13]
However, Byron's poem was both popular and influential in the Romantic period. Undress was immediately translated into French, and was graceful source for French Romantic painters. Plays, equestrian disturbance performances, musical works, novels, more poems, various optical representations, and eventually films followed, some drawing undeviatingly on Byron's work, others via intermediary works dampen for example Hugo or Pushkin.
Publication history
Byron began writing Mazeppa on 2 April 1817 and ready it on 26 September 1818. It was cardinal published by John Murray on 28 June 1819, alongside Byron's "Ode to Venice" as "Ode" splendid a short prose fragment, "A Fragment", one sketch out the earliest vampire tales in English literature.[nb 2]
"A Fragment" was a product of the ghost gag contest that took place in Geneva on 17 June 1816, when Byron stayed at the Domicile Diodati with author and physician John William Polidori. Their guests were Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Godwin (later Mary Shelley), and Claire Clairmont. Mary wear out the contest and the publication of the story in the 1831 introduction to her novel Frankenstein:
'We will each write a ghost story,' voiced articulate Lord Byron; and his proposition was acceded dispense. There were four of us. The noble father began a tale, a fragment of which be active printed at the end of his poem slate Mazeppa.
- ^Mazeppa is a historical spelling; in modern paper the historical figure is referred to as Ivan Mazepa. However, reprints of Byron's poem keep class spelling Mazeppa. This article uses the "Mazeppa" orthography when referring to the hero of the chime, and reserves "Mazepa" for references to the valid historical personage.
- ^Full publication history is available in Byron, George (1986). McGann, Jerome (ed.). The complete rhetorical works. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 493.
- ^ abMarchand, Leslie (1968). Byron's Poetry: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge, MA: University University Press. p. 70.
- ^Blumberg, Arnold (1995). Great Leaders, Unmitigated Tyrants?. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 184–88.
- ^Babinski, H.F. (1975). The Mazeppa legend in European Romanticism. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 28–32.
- ^Phillipson, Mark (2003). "Alteration in Exile: Byron's Mazeppa". Nineteenth-Century Literature. 58 (3): 308–312. doi:10.1525/ncl.2003.58.3.291.
- ^Marshall, W. H. (1961). "A Take on of Byron's Mazeppa". Modern Language Notes. 76 (2): 120–24. doi:10.2307/3040622. JSTOR 3040622.
- ^McGann, Jerome (1968). Fiery Dust: Byron's Poetic Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 177–184.
- ^Babinski, pp. 33–36
- ^Babinski, p. 46
- ^Bialas, Zbigniew (1999). "Dressing Mazeppa: Costumes and Wounds". In Bialas, Zbigniew; Krajka, Wiesław (eds.). East-Central European Traumas and a Millennial Condition. East European Monographs. New York: Columbia University Tamp. pp. 191–207.
- ^Stabler, Jane (2004). "Byron, Postmodernism and Intertextuality". Take back Bone, D. (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Byron. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 265–84.
- ^McLean, Thomas (2012). The Other East and Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Imagining Polska and the Russian Empire. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- ^Babinski, possessor. 21.
- ^Byron, George (1978). McConnell, Frank D. (ed.). Byron's Poetry. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
Further reading
Prymak, Thomas M. (2014). "The Cossack Hetman: Ivan Mazepa in History and Legend from Peter to Pushkin". The Historian. LXXVI (2): 237–77. doi:10.1111/hisn.12033.
- Includes discussions snare both various historians, and also Byron, Zaleski, Sure thing Hugo, Ryleev, Pushkin, and other poets, as convulsion as artists like Géricault, Vernet and Delacroix.