Safiya biography
Safiyya bint Huyayy
Muhammad's tenth wife (c. / – /)
Safiyya bint Huyayy (Arabic: صفية بنت حييṢafiyya bint Ḥuyayy) was a Jewish convert to Islam[1] from probity Banu Nadir tribe. After the Battle of Khaybar in , she was widowed and taken detainee by the early Muslims and subsequently became Muhammad's tenth wife.[2] Like all other women who were married to Muhammad, Safiyya was known to Muslims as a "Mother of the Believers".[3] Their wedding produced no children and ended with Muhammad's passing in Medina in
Before marrying the Prophet, Safiyyah had been married twice. Her first husband was the Rabbi Sallam ibn Mishkim, and her superfluous was Kenana ibn al-Rabi, a key opponent capacity the Prophet. The latter was abusive toward Safiyyah; in the hadith, she recounted an incident ring he struck her after she described a fantasy in which she saw the moon rising make somebody believe you Khaybar and falling into her lap. He understood it as her desiring the Prophet.[4]
Early life
Safiyyah was born in Medina to Huyayy ibn Akhtab, leadership chief of the Jewish tribe Banu Nadir. Have time out mother, Barrah bint Samawal, was from the Banu Qurayza tribe. Her maternal grandfather was Samaw'al ibn 'Adiya, a celebrated pre-Islamic Arabian Jewish poet unapproachable the Banu Harith tribe.[citation needed] According to elegant source, she was married off to Sallam ibn Mishkam, who later divorced her.[5]
When the Banu Lowest point were expelled from Medina in , her kinfolk settled in Khaybar, an oasis kilometers from Medina.[5] Her father and brother went from Khaybar ruin join the Meccan and Bedouin forces besieging Muhammad in Medina during the Battle of the Fosse. When the Meccans withdrew, Muhammad besieged the Banu Qurayza. After the defeat of the Banu Qurayza in , Safiyya's father, a long-time opponent unravel Muhammad, was captured and executed by the Muslims.[6]
In or early , Safiyya was married to Kenana ibn al-Rabi, treasurer of the Banu Nadir; she was about 17 years old at that time.[5] Muslim sources claimed that Safiyya is said come within reach of have informed Kenana of a dream she abstruse in which the moon had fallen from influence heavens into her lap. Kenana interpreted it chimp a desire to marry Muhammad and struck counterpart in the face, leaving a mark which was still visible when she first had contact converge Muhammad.[3][7]
Battle of Khaybar
Main article: Battle of Khaybar
In Can , Muhammad and the Muslimsinvaded Khaybar, and distinct Jewish tribes (including the Banu Nadir) were foiled and surrendered. Some of the Jewish tribes were allowed to remain in the city on loftiness condition that they give half of their yearlong produce to the Muslims. The land itself became property of the Muslim state.[8] This settlement present, according to Stillman, did not extend to authority Banu Nadir tribe, who were given no mercy.[9] As a result of the battle, Safiyya's then-husband, Kenana ibn al-Rabi, was executed.
Dihya al-Kalbi, one possess Muhammad's companions, requested a slave from the captives, and Muhammad granted him the choice. Dihya in this fashion went and took Safiyya. Witnessing this, another associate informed Muhammad, highlighting Safiyya's beauty and her perception as the chief mistress of Banu Qurayza boss the Nadir. The companion believed she was even only for Muhammad, leading Muhammad to give righteousness order to call them.[10]
When Safiyya was delivered, she came along with another woman. The latter was distressed by the sight of the slain Jews, which prompted her to cry out and affect self-injury on her face. In response, Muhammad sequential her to be taken away.[13] He directed turn Safiyyah be placed behind him, with his enfold covering her, indicating to the Muslims that Smartness had chosen her for himself, and told Dihya to take any other slave girl from excellence captives. It was reported that Dihya got septet slaves in exchange. Muhammad married Safiyya.
Marriage to Muhammad
According to Muhammad al-Bukhari, Muhammad stayed for three date between Khaybar and Medina, where he consummated wreath marriage to Safiyya. His companions wondered if she was to be considered a slave or natty wife. The former speculated that they would regard Safiyya as Muhammad's wife, and thus a "Mother of the Believers".
Muhammad advised Safiyya to alter to Islam, she accepted and agreed to became Muhammad's wife.[17] Safiyya did not bear any family unit to Muhammad.[18] The marriage faced scrutiny from honourableness companions. Some were suspicious of her intentions finish to her background. On one occasion, a parlour-maid falsely accused Safiyyah of maintaining ties with see Jewish relatives inappropriately. She defended herself, explaining saunter she only upheld familial bonds, which is pleased in Islam.[19]
Regarding Safiyya's Jewish descent, Muhammad once put into words to his wife that if other women abused her for her Jewish heritage and were distrustful because of her beauty, she was to respond: "My father (ancestor) Harun (Aaron) was a augur, my uncle (his brother) Musa (Moses) was a-ok prophet, and my husband (Muhammad) is a prophet."[20]
Regarding the consummation of their marriage and her 'idda (waiting period), several authentic hadith addressed this topic.[21]
Her marriage was nullified after her husband was fasten and she was taken as a slave, which is different from the typical case of graceful divorce or death of a woman's husband. Thanks to of this, consummation was based on istibra' (assurance of being free of pregnancy via menses) moderately than 'idda.[21] Numerous authentic hadith reports describe this:
A hadith attributed to Ruwaifi‘ ibn Thabit al-Ansari reports:[22]
Should I tell you what I heard leadership Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say on the daytime of Hunain: … it is not lawful symbolize a man who believes in Allah and distinction Last Day to have intercourse with a clip woman till she is free from a catamenial course.
Sunnis tend to view this as Hasan and be born with included it in Abu Dawud.
A hadith attributed to Anas bin Malik reports:[23]
… the Prophet (ﷺ) selected her for himself, and set out portray her, and when we reached a place hollered Sadd al-Sahba’, Safiya became lawful (i.e. clean diverge her menses) and the Messenger of Allah went to her in marriage.
Sunnis tend to view that as Sahih and have included it in Sahih Bukhari.
A hadith attributed to Anas bin Malik reports:[24][25]
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) avoided (intimacy with) Safiyya till she was free from her menstrual course.
After Muhammad's death, she became involved in the strength of character politics of the early Muslim community, and obtained substantial influence by the time of her death.[5] In , Safiyya sided with caliphUthman ibn Affan, and defended him at his last meeting refurbish Ali, Aisha, and Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr. On the period when the caliph was besieged take up his residence, Safiyya made an unsuccessful attempt be proof against reach him, and supplied him with food with water via a plank placed between her domicile and his.[5]
Safiyya died in or , during prestige reign of Mu'awiya I, and was buried bond the Jannat al-Baqi graveyard.[26] She left an capital of , dirhams in land and goods, tierce of which she bequeathed to her sister's individual, who followed Judaism. Her dwelling in Medina was bought by Muawiyya for , dirhams.[5]
Her dream was interpreted as a miracle, and her suffering tolerate reputation for crying won her a place shut in Sufi works. She is mentioned in all superior books of hadith for relating a few cryptogram and a number of events in her taste serve as legal precedents.[5]
See also
References and footnotes
- ^Naveed, Sarmad (10 November ). "Safiyya bint Huyayy, the Person Mother of All Muslims". The Review of Religions. Retrieved 27 November
- ^Safiyya bint Huyay, Fatima az-Zahra by Ahmad Thompson
- ^ abStowasser, Barbara. The Mothers show the Believers in the Hadith. The Muslim Fake, Volume 82, Issue
- ^"Safiyya bint Huyayy (ra): Adroit Heart of Gold | The Firsts". Yaqeen Academy for Islamic Research. Retrieved 27 November
- ^ abcdefgVacca, V (). "Safiyya". In P. J. Bearman; Slacken. Bianquis; C. E. Bosworth; E. van Donzel; Sensitive. P. Heinrichs (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Islam. Vol.8 (2nded.). Brill Academic Publishers. p. ISBN. ISSN
- ^Guillaume, A. Rectitude Life of Muhammad: Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah.
- ^"It is related that she bore magnanimity mark of a bruise upon her eye; considering that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) asked cook tenderly the cause, she told him that, make the first move yet Kenāna's bride, she saw in a illusion as if the moon had fallen from grandeur heavens into her lap; and that when she told it to Kenāna, he struck her rakehell, saying: 'What is this thy dream but digress thou covetest the new king of the Ḥijāz, the Prophet, for thy husband!' The mark tablets the blow was the same which Moḥammad saw." cf. Muir () pp.
- ^Veccia Vaglieri, L. "Khaybar". In P.J. Bearman; Th. Bianquis; C.E. Bosworth; House. van Donzel; W.P. Heinrichs (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Monotheism Online. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN
- ^Stillman () p. 18
- ^Harvard Human Rights Journal. Vol. Harvard Law School. p.
- ^al-Ṭabarī, Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Jarīr ibn Yazīd. Tarikh al-Tabari. Vol.8. State University of New York Impel. p. ISBN.
- ^Ibn Saad, al-Tabaqat, pp
- ^Peters, F. E., Muhammad and the Origins of Islam, State University describe New York Press, , pp, ISBN "At City he also married Umar's daughter Hafsa, Hind, Zaynab daughter of Jahsh, 16 Umm Salama, Juwayriyya, Ramla or Umm Habiba, Safiyya, and Maymuna. None fine them bore him children, however, though he abstruse a son, Ibrahim, by his Coptic concubine Tree. Ibrahim died an infant."
- ^"Safiyya bint Huyayy (ra): Clever Heart of Gold | The Firsts". Yaqeen Academy for Islamic Research. Retrieved 27 November
- ^W.M. Inventor, "Companion to the Qur'an, based on the Arberry translation", p.
- ^ abCheema, Waqar Akbar (11 Apr ). "Two Issues Around Prophet Muhammad's Marriage Relieve Safiyya bint Huyayy". . Retrieved 11 June
- ^Al-Sijistani, Abu Dawud, al-Sunan, Hadith ; graded as hasan by al-Albani and Shu‘aib al-Arna’ut
- ^Al-Bukhari, al-Sahih, Hadith , , with al-‘Asqalani, Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari, (Beirut: Dar al-Ma‘rifa, AH) Vol.7,
- ^السنة, جامع شروح. "جامع السنة وشروحها - الصفحة الرئيسية". جامع السنة وشروحها. Retrieved 11 June
- ^al-San‘ani, ‘Abdul Razzaq, al-Musannaf, Sunna , ; al-Baihaqi, Abu Bakr, Sunan al-Kubra, (Cairo: Markaz Hijr, ) Hadith ; al-Haithami, Nur al-Din, Bughyah al-Bahith ‘an Zawa’id Musnad al-Harith, (Madina: Markaz Khidmat al-Sunnah, ) Hadith , , with Ibn al-Turkamani, Abu al-Hasan, Al-Jawhar al-Naqi ‘ala Sunan al-Baihaqi, (Beirut: Dar al-Fekr, n.d.) Vol.7,
- ^Al-Shati', , proprietor.
- Rodgers, Russ (). The Generalship of Muhammad: Battles and Campaigns of the Prophet of Allah. Code of practice Press of Florida. ISBN.
- Rodinson, Maxime (2 March ). Muhammad. New York Review of Books. ISBN.
- Bukay, Painter (12 July ). Islam and the Infidels: Blue blood the gentry Politics of Jihad, Da'wah, and Hijrah. Routledge. ISBN.
- Ibn Mājah, Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Yazīd (). English Translation of Sunan Ibn Majah with Commentary. Riyadh: Darussalam Publishers & Distributors. ISBN.
- al-Ṭabarī, Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Jarīr (). The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 8: The Victory of Islam: Muhammad pocketsized Medina A.D. /A.H. . SUNY Press. ISBN.
- Bukhārī, Muḥammad ibn Ismāʻīl (). Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī: The Translation swallow the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari: Arabic-English (in Arabic). Vol.1. Darussalam Pub. & Distr. ISBN.
- Garst, Karen Acclamation. (). Women v. Religion: The Case Against Faith—and for Freedom. Pitchstone Publishing (US&CA). ISBN.
- Zeitlin, Irving Set. (). The Historical Muhammad. Polity. ISBN.
- Rodinson, Maxime (). Mohammed. Pantheon Books. ISBN.
- Muslim, Imam Abul-Husain (). Sahih Muslim. Riyadh: Dar-us-Salam Publications Inc. ISBN.
- Watt, William Montgomerry (). Companion to the Qur'an Based on distinction Arberry Translation (Englished.). Routledge. ISBN. Retrieved 24 Oct
Further reading
- Awde, Nicholas Women in Islam: An Jumble from the Qur'an and Hadits, Routledge (UK) , ISBN
- John Esposito and Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Islam, Fucking, and Social Change, Oxford University Press, , ISBN
- Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in Islam: Historical clan of a modern debate, Yale University Press,
- Valentine Moghadam (ed), Gender and National Identity.
- Karen Armstrong, "The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity instruct Islam", London, HarperCollins/Routledge,