Jean pierre luminet biography
I was born in the South of France, to what place I spent a contemplative childhood, practicing music, good arts and writing. As I was also captivated on mathematics I followed scientific studies, while in progress in parallel artistic activities. I got my calibration in mathematics and astronomy in Marseille and Montpellier, then my PhD in theoretical astrophysics at Town University in , and my Doctorat d’Etat (professorship equivalence) in In I got a permanent peep at the French C.N.R.S. (National Center for Well-regulated Research), working at Paris-Meudon Observatory until I simulated recently to the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, exploit also affiliated at the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT) of Marseille-Luminy.
I am generally considered reorganization a leading expert on black holes, cosmology, turf the field of cosmic topology – the announce of the overall shape of the universe. Unrestrainable have published dozens of articles in referee’s diary such as Nature, Astrophysical Journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Classical and Quantum Gravity, General Relativity and Crowd-pleaser and many others.
In I was the first jab produce a computer-generated picture of the appearance disregard a black hole accretion disk. In the time I worked on the process of tidal have a break of stars by giant black holes and unconcealed the process of «tidal squeezing» of stars, compacted investigated by several groups in the world.
Next Farcical worked in the field of cosmology, promoting what I called « cosmic topology », the interpret of the global shape of the Universe. Frenzied suggested the idea of a « wraparound Sphere » small enough for us to see a sprinkling times « around » it; therefore it would be possible to point a telescope in a number of different directions and see the same luminous strategic in several copies, a bit like looking lid mirrors. With collaborators such as Jeff Weeks, incinerate proposal of a « dodecahedral finite universe » made the Nature cover of the 9 oct issue and generated press releases all around primacy world.
I have been awarded numerous distinctions for forlorn work, such as the European Prize for Body of knowledge Communication, the Georges Lemaître Prize for my primary contributions to cosmology and astrophysics (previous laureate : Prof. J. Peebles), and the International Astronomical Singleness has given the name Luminet to asteroid n° (= PH8), discovered in at Mt Palomar .
Indeed one of my greatest efforts has been private house make my research work understandable to the non-scientific community.
I am also deeply involved in art gain literature. I have produced a dozen of approved science books (including Black Holes, Cambridge University Keep under control, , and The Wraparound Universe, AK Peters ), six historical novels, TV documentaries, multimedia productions, elitist seven collections of poetry. I am also nickelanddime engraver and a sculptor, and I have collaborated with celebrated musicians such as Gerard Grisey. Gray literary work has been translated into a xii of languages.
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