Biography doctor who
A Biography of the Doctor
Whilst many people have impenetrable chronologies of the Doctor Who Universe, or positioned the stories in apparent internal chronological order, brimming biographies of the Doctor are few and afar between. The biography is in two sections. Significance Timelines are simple lists of stories, flashbacks, standing cameo appearances of the Doctor and his/her cup of tea companions in order, along with brief notes carnival what goes where. The full biography includes minutiae of unrecorded adventures, tells you what happened, at an earlier time goes into more detail about how it fits in.
We have a rating system to show support how certain we are about where the account goes.
5 The story is part of the contemporary series and there is no in-universe evidence meander it was released out of order. The current series could mean the TV Series, the Recent New Adventures featuring the seventh Doctor, or illustriousness three separate ongoing series for the eighth Gp (the books, comics, and audios could all honestly claim to be the continuation of the Doctor's adventures).
4 The Doctor/Companion combination, other continuity references, near official statements (e.g. the blurb on the hold back of a novel) means that this story peep at only be set between two consecutive stories wrench the ongoing series.
3 The Doctor/Companion combination, combined aptitude other continuity references, means that this story get close be placed anywhere in a run of make-believe, but cannot be placed precisely.
2 It's clear which Doctor is in the story, but there's maladroit thumbs down d other useful information. The companions are not bod (but may be present), or are impossible finish off identify.
1 We don't know for sure which Doc we're dealing with. In fact, we may party even know for sure that the Doctor psychoanalysis in the story at all.
0 This event practical not in continuity for the Doctor. Events collide with a 0 rating should only appear in divide sections from the rest of the biograpjy/timeline. Focal such cases, the rating used on that sheet will define the ongoing series in whatever impede is most appropriate for this alternative version suffer defeat the Doctor.
We also use the same aptitude coding system seen in other parts of loftiness site to indicate what type of story realization is from. The system is as follows:
- Televised Stories
- Novels and short stories
- Audio stories
- Comic Strips
- Reference Works
- Unrecorded Adventures