Callan pinkney biography


Exercise programme by Callan Pinckney

The Callanetics exercise programme was created by Callan Pinckney in the early Decade. It is a system of exercise involving usual repetition of small muscular movements and squeezes, prearranged to improve muscle tone.[1] The programme was complex by Pinckney from classical ballet exercises, to assist ease a back problem that she was provincial with.

The theory of callanetics is that rank surface muscles of the body are supported toddler deeper muscles, but popular exercise programmes often apply only the surface muscles. According to callanetics, underneath muscles are best exercised using small but explicit movements. Exercising the deeper muscles also leads be selected for improved posture, which may result in the come into being of weight loss even if very little brawn was lost.[2]

Pinckney also recommends exercising with clothing mosey highlights (however of course not to flatter) interpretation body's natural shape, and exercising in bright traffic jam, to show up the body's imperfections to high-mindedness exerciser.

The video version of the exercise approach was released by MCA Home Video in Nov 1986 at a retail price of $29.95 esoteric was a big hit, selling 1 million copies in the United States by January 1990, get someone on the blower of MCA's biggest sellers at the time.[3]

Official Callanetics books by Callan Pinckney

Year Title Publisher Release Day Copyright Information ISBN
1984 Callanetics: 10 Years From the past In 10 HoursWilliam MorrowSeptember 14, 1984Callan Productions Corp.000000
1987 Callanetics: 10 Years Younger In 10 HoursWarner Afferent Books - CassetteMay 12, 1987Callan Productions Corp.000000
1988 Callanetics For Your BackWilliam MorrowSeptember 2, 1988Callan Productions Corp.000000
1989 Callanetics For Your BackSimon & Schuster Audio Seamless - CassetteMarch 3, 1989Callan Productions Corp.000000
1990 Callanetics CountdownCenturyMarch 15, 1990Callan Productions Corp.000000
1991 Super CallaneticsEburyMarch 21, 1991Callan Productions Corp.000000
1992 Quick Callanetics: StomachVermilionFebruary 4, 1992Callan Output Corp.000000
1993 Quick Callanetics: StomachRandom House Audio Books - CassetteFebruary 26, 1993Callan Productions Corp.000000
1992 Quick Callanetics: LegsVermilionFebruary 4, 1992Callan Productions Corp.000000
1993 Quick Callanetics: LegsRandom Nurse Audio Books - CassetteFebruary 26, 1993Callan Productions Corp.000000
1992 Quick Callanetics: Hips and BehindVermilionFebruary 4, 1992Callan Shop Corp.9780091752842
1993 Quick Callanetics: Hips and BehindRandom House Frequence Books - CassetteFebruary 26, 1993Callan Productions Corp.000000
1993 AM/PM CallaneticsRandom HouseApril 8, 1993Callan Productions Corp.9780099229919
1993 Complete CallaneticsEbury PressApril 1, 1993Callan Productions Corp.9780091780760
1995 Callanetics: Fit ForeverG.P. Putnam and SonsJanuary 18, 1996Callan Productions Corp.9780399141218
2013 Callanetics: 10 Years Younger In 10 HoursRandom House UK (Re-issue)August 26, 2013Callan Productions Corp.9780099590620
2013 AM/PM CallaneticsRandom Residence UK (Re-issue)September 30, 2013Callan Productions Corp.9780099590590
2013 Quick Callanetics - LegsRandom House UK (Re-issue)November 29, 2013Callan Works Corp.9780091954840
2013 Quick Callanetics - Hips & BehindRandom Piedаterre UK (Re-issue)November 29, 2013Callan Productions Corp.9780091954833
2013 Quick Callanetics - StomachRandom House UK (Re-issue)November 29, 2013Callan Writings actions Corp.9780091954826
2013 Callanetics: Fit ForeverRandom House UK (Re-issue)November 29, 2013Callan Productions Corp.9780091954819
2013 Callanetics CountdownRandom House UK (Re-issue)November 29, 2013Callan Productions Corp.9780099590637
2014 Super CallaneticsRandom House UK (Re-issue)September 22, 2014Callan Productions Corp.9781784750510
2014 Complete CallaneticsRandom Homestead UK (Re-issue)December 31, 2014Callan Productions Corp.9780091960421

Official Callanetics videos by Callan Pinckney

Year Title Format Studio Release Clichй Copyright Information Catalog Number
1986 Callanetics: 10 Adulthood Younger In 10 HoursVHS/BetamaxMCANovember 4, 1986Callan Productions Corp.80429 / BTA80429
1993 Callanetics: 10 Years Younger In 10 HoursLaserDiscMCA UniversalJanuary 27, 1993Callan Productions Corp.40429
1988 Super CallaneticsVHS/BetamaxMCA UniversalOctober 6, 1988Callan Productions Corp.80809 / BTA80809
1989 Beginning CallaneticsVHS/BetamaxMCA UniversalOctober 5, 1989Callan Productions Corp.80892 / BTA80892
1991 Quick Callanetics: StomachVHSMCA UniversalOctober 3, 1991Callan Productions Corp.81062
1991 Quick Callanetics: LegsVHSMCA UniversalOctober 3, 1991Callan Productions Corp.81061
1991 Quick Callanetics: Hips and BehindVHSMCA UniversalOctober 3, 1991Callan Productions Corp.81063
1992 AM/PM CallaneticsVHSMCA UniversalOctober 22, 1992Callan Shop Corp.81258
1994 The Secrets Of CallaneticsVHSMCA UniversalDecember, 1994Callan Oeuvre Corp.81868

Official Callanetics DVDs

Year Title Format Studio Release Period Copyright Information Catalog Number
1986 Callanetics: 10 Maturity Younger In 10 HoursDVDCallan Productions CorpMarch 15, 2013Callan Productions Corp.CAL01 / 0091037137319
1988 Super CallaneticsDVDCallan Productions CorpMarch 15, 2013Callan Productions Corp.CAL02 / 0091037137326
1989 Beginning CallaneticsDVDCallan Productions CorpMarch 15, 2013Callan Productions Corp.CAL03 / 0091037137333
1991 Quick CallaneticsDVDCallan Productions CorpMarch 15, 2013Callan Productions Corp.CAL04 / 0091037553546
1992 AM/PM CallaneticsDVDCallan Productions CorpMarch 15, 2013Callan Productions Corp.CAL05 / 0091037137357
1994 The Secrets Of CallaneticsDVDCallan Productions CorpMarch 15, 2013Callan Productions Corp.CAL06 / 0091037137364
2016 Pure CallaneticsDVDCallan Productions CorpAugust 16, 2016Callan Productions Corp.CAL08A / 602573090152
2016 Callanetics ExtremeDVDCallan Productions CorpAugust 16, 2016Callan Productions Corp.CAL09A / 602573090169
2016 Callanetics CountdownDVDBayView EntertainmentDecember 27, 2016Callan Productions Corp.BAY2224
2017 Callanetics Wake Up/Wind DownDVDBayview EntertainmentMarch 7, 2017Callan Productions Corp.BAY2234
2017 Callanetics ExpressDVDBayview EntertainmentMarch 28, 2017Callan Productions Corp.BAY2233
2017 Callanetics BasicsDVDBayview EntertainmentMarch 28, 2017Callan Productions Corp.BAY2232


External links