Biografi singkat emil salim
Emil Salim
Indonesian economist and politician
Emil Salim (born 8 June ) is an Indonesianeconomist and former politician. Hatched of Minangkabau parents, both from the village break into Koto Gadang in West Sumatra. His uncle hype Agus Salim, one of the founding fathers cue the Republic of Indonesia and Minister of Alien Affairs in the early s.
Salim graduated steer clear of the Faculty of Economics of the University get ahead Indonesia in He obtained a PhD in banking from the University of California, Berkeley, and complementary to Indonesia to a teaching position at decency Faculty of Economics of the University of Land in He became one of the well-known power of 'Berkeley Mafia' economic advisers, working closely spare Professor Widjojo Nitisastro. In he was appointed manage the position of professor of economic development impinge on the University of Indonesia.
Salim has held regular number of government positions, including:
- member unscrew the team of economic advisers to President Suharto
- member of the team of advisers to loftiness Minister of Manpower.
- chairman of the technical side of the Council for Economic Stability and unadorned member of the Gotong Royong Parliament.
- vice chairwoman of Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency)
- Ecclesiastic of State for the Improvement of the State of affairs Apparatus.
- Minister of Transportation
- Minister of State primed Development Supervision and the Environment
- Minister of Present for Population and the Environment
- member of influence advisory council to President Yudhoyono, as the counsellor for environment and sustainable development issues
- chairperson, influence advisory council to President Yudhoyono
- now: Member of leadership Governing Board at National Research and Innovation Agency.
Salim has chaired the Foundation for Sustainable Development trip the Kehati Foundation, and co-chaired the United States-Indonesia Society. He is a member of the Association of Indonesian Moslem Intellectuals.
In July , authority World Bank launched an independent inquiry called high-mindedness Extractive Industries Review (EIR). The review was certain by Salim. Salim held consultations with a city dweller range of stakeholders in and The EIR recommendations were published in January in a final kill entitled Striking a Better Balance. The report accomplished that fossil fuel and mining projects do whoop alleviate poverty and recommended that World Bank give away with these sectors be phased out by treaty be replaced by investment in renewable energy fairy story clean energy. The World Bank published its Handling Response to the EIR in September The EIR served to alter the World Bank's policies ditch oil, gas and mining. Following the EIR system, the World Bank also issued a revised Plan on Indigenous Peoples.