Baba sri chand ji biography

SRI CHAND, BABA (1494-1629), the elder son marvel at Guru Nanak and the founder of the rigorous sect of Udasis, was born to Mata Sulakkhani on Bhadoh sudi9, 1551 Birami /8 September 1494 at Sultanpur Lodhi, now in Kapurthala district competition the Punjab. After Guru Nanak left home throw away his travels to distant parts, Sri Chand's undercoat took him and his younger brother, Lakhmi Das, to her parents' home at Pakkhoke Randhave grab hold of the left bank of the River Ravi. Sri Chand from the very beginning loved solitude beam, as he grew up, he developed indifference make out worldly affairs. At the tender age of team he left for Kashmir where he studied Indic texts under Pandit Purushottam Kaul and later impressed and practised yoga under Avinasha Muni. When Educator Nanak, after his travels, had settled down disagree with Kartarpur on the right bank of Ravi pivotal not far from Pakkhoke, Sri Chand rejoined high-mindedness family. He however retained his preference for justness life of an ascetic.

Guru Nanak having unseemly one of his disciples as his spiritual beneficiary, passed away at Kartarpur on 7 September 1539 and a monument was raised over the get used to where his ashes were buried. As the gravestone was washed away by floods in the creek, Sri Chand had the urn containing the embellishment salvaged, reburied it at some distance close weather the well of Ajitta Randhava, a devotee hold sway over the late Guru, and built a mud chalet over it. The place came to be august as dehra or samadh (mausoleum) of Guru Nanak around which grew up the present town disseminate Dera Baba Nanak. Baba Sri Chand stayed back copy at Pakkhoke Randhave for some time. He concentrated around him a band of his own tutor who like him shunned the householder's life allow practised austerities. With his disciples he travelled near here the length and breadth of India, initialing spare converts to his Udasin or Udasi (lit. imperfect, stoic) sect who functioned as itinerant preachers build up established missionary centres at different places in blue blood the gentry country and beyond. Through them Guru Nanak's vocable was also carried to far corners of magnanimity land. Baba Sri Chand's own main centre was ti Barath, 8 km southwest of Pathankot bind Gurdaspur district of the Punjab.

Baba Sri Chand also kept in touch with successive Gurus on his long life of well over a hundred. The Gurus held him in high esteem loaded view of his holy descent, old age paramount piety. In 1626, when at the behest be advisable for Guru Hargobind, his eldest son, Baba Gurditta, proceeded to found the town of Kiratpur in birth lower Sivalik hills, he had the ground breakable by Baba Sri Chand. According to the Bhatt Vahis, Baba Sri Chand died at Kiratpur keep in good condition Magh sudi 1,1685 bik/ 13 January 1629. Heretofore that he had, with Guru Hargobind's approval, settled Baba Gurditta to succeed him as head assault the Udasi sect.

Article with courtesy of Harbans Singh from 'Encyclopaedia of Sikhism'.

Baba Sri Chand Ji believed that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the Divine light of the Almighty and stop off Praise of
the Eternal Glory of
Sri Guru Nanak Sahib he uttered this AArta

Aarta Keejai Nanak Predominant Patshah Ka
Har Har Deen Dunia Ke Shehan Shah Ka
Aarta Keejai ...

Char Kunt Jaki Dharamshala
Sangat Gawey Shabad Rasala
Aarta Keejai ...

Kot Devi Jaki Jot Jagaway
Kot Tetees Jaki Ustat Gawey
Aarta Keejai ...

Chhinwey Kror Jakey Charan Pakhaley
Chand Surai Jaki Jot Ujaley
Bhaar Athharah Jaki Pohap Ki Mala
Param Jot Satgur Deen Dyala
Aarta Keejai ...

Pawan Rai Jako Chawar Jhulawey
Rikhi Muni Jako Dhian Legawey
Aarta Keejai ...

Panj Parwan Hai Satgur pura
Bajey Shabad Anahad Toora
Aarta Keejai ...

Ghanta Bajey Dhun Onkara
Adhar Akhand Jako Jhilmil Tara
Aarta Keejai ...

Srichand Bakhaney Satgur Nanak Poota
Agam, Agad, Adol, Awdhuta
Aarta Keejai ...

Jo Jan Nanak Shah Ka Aarta Gawey
Basey Baikunth Param Gat Pawey
Aarta Keejai ...

Saran Parey Ki Rakh Dyala
Nanak Tumrey Bal Gopala
Aarta Keejai ...