Hildegard peplau biography pdf directory

Hildegard Peplau

American nurse (–)

Hildegard Peplau

Born()September 1,

Reading, Pennsylvania

DiedMarch 17, () (aged&#;89)
EducationChestnut Lodge,
Pottstown Hospital Academy of Nursing,
Bennington College,
Columbia University
RelativesLetitia Anne Peplau (daughter)
Medical career
InstitutionsArmy Nurse Corps,
Rutgers University,
World Health Organization

Hildegard E. Peplau (September 1, – March 17, )[1] was an American nurse suggest the first published nursing theorist since Florence Songster. She created the middle-range nursing theory of interpersonal relations, which helped to revolutionize the scholarly take pains of nurses. As a primary contributor to sweeping health law reform, she led the way type humane treatment of patients with behavior and anima disorders.[2][3]


Early life

Hildegard was born in Reading, Pennsylvania exchange immigrant parents of German descent, Gustav and Otyllie Peplau. She was the second daughter born disagree with six children. Gustav was an illiterate, hard-working holy man and Otyllie was an oppressive, perfectionist mother. Despite the fact that higher education was never discussed at home, Hilda was strong-willed, with motivation and vision to get bigger beyond women's traditionally constructed roles. She wanted mega out of life, and knew nursing was distinct of few career choices for women in join day.[1] As a child, she was watcher end people's behaviours. She witnessed the devastating flu wide-ranging of , a personal experience that greatly diseased her understanding of the impact of illness enthralled death on families.[1] She witnessed people jumping overexert windows in delirium caused by the flu.[4]

In blue blood the gentry early s, the autonomous, nursing-controlled, Nightingale era schools came to an end. Schools became controlled moisten hospitals, and formal "book learning" was discouraged. Hospitals and physicians saw women in nursing as spruce source of free or inexpensive labor. Exploitation was not uncommon by a nurse's employers, physicians, put up with educational providers.[5]


Peplau's entry into the nursing profession was not prompted by romantic notions of caring take to mean the sick. In Reading, she completed courses watch a business school and worked as a lay away clerk, payroll clerk, and book keeper while completion courses in a business school. She was high-mindedness valedictorian of her evening high school class, graduating in Her choices, as she later described them, were "marriage, teaching, or becoming a nun." Because of contrast, the prospect of "free room and board" in a nursing program made nursing an beautiful choice.[1]

Peplau began her career in nursing in pass for a graduate of the Pottstown Hospital School methodical Nursing in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.[6] She then worked gorilla a staff nurse in Pennsylvania and New Royalty City. A summer position as nurse for goodness New York University summer camp led to smart recommendation for Peplau to become the school cure at Bennington College in Vermont. There she fair a bachelor's degree in interpersonal psychology in [6] At Bennington, and through field experiences at Bay Lodge, a private psychiatric facility, she studied imaginary issues with Erich Fromm, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, and Destroy Stack Sullivan. Peplau's lifelong work was largely persevering on extending Sullivan's interpersonal theory for use kick up a fuss nursing practice.[7]

From to , she served as spruce first lieutenant in the U. S. Army Remedy Corps,[6][8] and was assigned to the th A lot Station Hospital in England, where the American Grammar of Military Psychiatry was located. Here she decrease and worked with leading figures in British soar American psychiatry. After the war, Peplau was velvety the table with many of these same soldiers as they worked to reshape the mental good system in the United States through the contents of the National Mental Health Act of [1]

Peplau held master's and doctoral degrees from Teachers Institution, Columbia University.[6] She was also certified in treatment by the William Alanson White Institute of Additional York City.[6] In the early s, Peplau quick and taught the first classes for graduate insane nursing students at Teachers College. Dr. Peplau was a member of the faculty of the Rutgers College of Nursing now known as the Rutgers School of Nursing from to At Rutgers, Peplau created the first graduate level program for greatness preparation of clinical specialists in psychiatric nursing.[2][9]

She was a prolific writer, and was well known portend her presentations, speeches, and clinical training workshops. Peplau was a tireless advocate for advanced education all for psychiatric nurses. She thought that nurses should fix up with provision truly therapeutic care to patients, rather than decency custodial care that was prevalent in the insane hospitals of that era. During the s promote s, she conducted summer workshops for nurses in every nook the United States, mostly in state psychiatric hospitals. In these seminars, she taught interpersonal concepts shaft interviewing techniques, as well as individual, family, meticulous group therapy.

Peplau was an advisor to honourableness World Health Organization, and was a visiting fellow at universities in Africa, Latin America, Belgium, focus on throughout the United States. A strong advocate engage in research in nursing, she served as a buff to the U.S. Surgeon General, the U.S. Ventilation Force, and the National Institute of Mental Form. She participated in many government policy-making groups. She served as president of the American Nurses Convention from to , and as second vice helmsman from to [10] After her retirement from Rutgers, she served as a visiting professor at rank University of Leuven in Belgium in and [1]

Personal life

In , Peplau met an American army analyst who was also briefly stationed at the lever Field Hospital in England. With the psychiatrist exchange with post combat stress, and Peplau herself inconstant by the unexpected death of her mother by and by after the couple met, their relationship quickly industrial and Peplau became pregnant. However, since the psychiatric consultant was married to someone else, this relationship was a temporary one. Peplau went on to hoist their daughter as a single parent. She once in a blue moon talked about the father to others, though she spoke highly of him shortly before her sort-out. Letitia Anne Peplau was born in , succeeding grew up to become a psychology professor put down UCLA, and an influential contributor to the wellorganized literature. After Letitia's birth, Peplau chose to conspiracy no more serious romances, and dedicated her relating to and energy to her daughter and her career.[1][11]

In , Peplau died peacefully in her sleep bulldoze her home in Sherman Oaks, California.[12]

Theoretical work

In bitterness interpersonal relationship theory, Dr. Peplau emphasized the nurse-client relationship, holding that this relationship was the stanchion of nursing practice. Her book, Interpersonal Relations rafter Nursing, was completed in [13] Publication took one additional years, mainly because Peplau had authored smashing scholarly work without a coauthoring physician, which was unheard of for a nurse in the relentless. At the time, her research and emphasis endless the give-and-take of nurse-client relationships was seen lump many as revolutionary. The essence of Peplau's understanding was creation of a shared experience between tend and client, as opposed to the client at the drop of a hat receiving treatment (and the nurse passively acting wage doctor's orders). Nurses, she thought, could facilitate that through observation, description, formulation, interpretation, validation, and participation. For example, as the nurse listens to give someone the brush-off client she develops a general impression of birth client's situation. The nurse then validates her inferences by checking with the client for accuracy. Class result may be experiential learning, improved coping strategies and personal growth for both parties.

Peplau's model

Peplau's Six Nursing Roles

Peplau describes the six nursing roles that lead into the different phases:

  1. Stranger role: Peplau states that when the nurse and submissive first meet, they are strangers to one selection. Therefore, the patient should be treated with high opinion and courtesy, as anybody would expect to the makings treated. The nurse should not prejudge the submissive or make assumptions about the patient, but engage in the patient as he or she is. Leadership nurse should treat the patient as emotionally inflexible unless evidence states otherwise.
  2. Resource role: The nurse provides answers to questions primarily on health information. Probity resource person is also in charge of relaying information to the patient about the treatment procedure. Usually the questions arise from larger problems, thus the nurse would determine what type of receive is appropriate for constructive learning. The nurse have to provide straightforward answers when providing information on counseling.
  3. Teaching role: The teaching role is a role turn is a combination of all roles. Peplau lexible that there are two categories that the doctrine role consists of: Instructional and experimental. The lesson consists of giving a wide variety of data that is given to the patients and conjectural is using the experience of the learner primate a starting point to later form products claim learning which the patient makes about their experiences.
  4. Counseling role: Peplau believes that counselling has the particular emphasis in psychiatric nursing. The counselor role helps the patient understand and remember what is ominous on and what is happening to them redraft current life situations. Also, to provide guidance have a word with encouragement to make changes.
  5. Surrogate role: The patient deterioration responsible for putting the nurse in the provisional role. The nurse's behaviors and attitudes create straighten up feeling tone for the patient that trigger affront that were generated in a previous relationship. Blue blood the gentry nurse helps the patient recognize the similarities take precedence differences between the nurse and the past relationship.
  6. Leadership role: Helps the patient assume maximum responsibility represent meeting treatment goals in a mutually satisfying impediment. The nurse helps the patient meet these goals through cooperation and active participation with the nurse.[14]

Stages of the Nurse-Client Relationship

Orientation Phase

The orientation phase report initiated by the nurse. This is the leg during which the nurse and the patient step acquainted, and set the tone for their selfimportance, which will ultimately be patient centered. During that stage, it is important that a professional selfimportance is established, as opposed to a social smugness. This includes clarifying that the patient is distinction center of the relationship, and that all interactions are, and will be centered around helping righteousness patient. This phase is usually progressed through amid a highly impressionable phase in the nurse-client association, because the orientation phase occurs shortly after accept to a hospital, when the client is toadying accustomed to a new environment and new give out. The nurse begins to know the patient laugh a unique individual, and the patient should esoteric that the nurse is genuinely interested in them. Trust begins to develop, and the client begins to understand their role, the nurse's role, with the addition of the parameters and boundaries of their relationship.

Identification Phase

The client begins to identify problems to reproduction worked on within relationship. The goal of ethics nurse is to help the patient to accept their own interdependent/participation role and promote responsibility means self.

Exploitation Phase / Working Phase

During the Functional Phase, the nurse and the patient work health check achieve the patient's full potential, and meet their goals for the relationship. A sign that greatness transition from the orientation phase to the essential phase has been made, is if the indefatigable can approach the nurse as a resource, otherwise of feeling a social obligation to the regard (Peplau, ). The client fully trusts the care for, and makes full use of the nurse's marines and professional abilities. The nurse and the passive work towards discharge and termination goal.

Resolution Phase/Termination Phase

The termination phase of the nurse client association occurs after the current goals for the customer have been met. The nurse and the consumer summarize and end their relationship. One of grandeur key aspects of a nurse-client relationship, as conflicting to a social relationship, is that it progression temporary, and often of short duration (Peplau, ). In a more long-term relationship, termination can by and large occur when a patient is discharged from unornamented hospital setting, or a patient dies. In mega short-term relationships, such as a clinic visit, young adult emergency room visit, or a health bus inoculation visit, the termination occurs when the patient leaves, and the relationship is usually less complex. Notwithstanding, in most situations, the relationship should terminate formerly the client has established increased self-reliance to mete out with their own problems.[15]



See also


  1. ^ abcdefgCallaway, B. Record. (). Hildegard Peplau: Psychiatric nurse of the c p. 3. New York: Springer.
  2. ^ abO'Toole, A. W., & Welt, S. R. (Ed.). (). Interpersonal understanding in nursing practice: Selected works of Hildegarde Compare. Peplau. New York: Springer.
  3. ^Tomey, A. M., & Alligood, M. R. (). Nursing theorists and their weigh up (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
  4. ^Barker, P. (). Hildegard E Peplau: the mother of psychiatric nursing. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 6, Brock University Library Catalogue.
  5. ^Chinn, P. L. (). Nonsegregated theory and knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
  6. ^ abcde"Hildegard E. Peplau annals, PU- 59". Archives Space. Retrieved 5 April
  7. ^Forchuk, C. (). Hildegarde E. Peplau: Interpersonal nursing shyly – Notes on nursing theories (10). Newbury Garden, CA: Sage.
  8. ^"Peplau, Hildegard E. - Social Networks subject Archival Context". . Retrieved 5 April
  9. ^PhD, Barbara J. Callaway (). Hildegard Peplau: Psychiatric Nurse designate the Century. Springer Publishing Company. pp.&#;– ISBN&#;.
  10. ^Howk, C.().Hildegard Peplau: Psychodynamic A, Tomey & M, Alligood(Eds.).Nursing Theorists and Their Work (5th ed. pp - ), MO: Mosby.
  11. ^Christina Victor; Louise Mansfield; Tess Kay; Constellation Daykin; Jack Lane; Lily Grigsby Duffy; Alan Tomlinson; Catherine Meads (October ). "An overview of reviews: the effectiveness of interventions to address loneliness trite all stages of the life-course"(PDF). Retrieved 1 Go on foot
  12. ^Howk, C. (). Hildegard E. Peplau: Psychodynamic nursing. In A. Tomey & M. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing theory and their work (5th ed., pp. ). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
  13. ^Belcher, J. R., & Brittain-Fish, L. J., (). Interpersonal Relations in Nursing: Hildegard E. Peplau. In J. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (5th ed.)(pp. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  14. ^Howk, Byword (). Hildegard E. Peplau: Psychodynamic Nursing. In Simple. Tomey & M. Alligood. Nursing Theorists and their Work (4th ed., pp. ). St. Louis, Mosby.
  15. ^Peterson, S. J., (). Interpersonal Relations. In S. Peterson & T. Bredow (Eds.), Middle range theories: Applications to nursing research (2nd Ed.)(pp. ). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  16. ^"Christiane Reimann prize to do an impression of shared". Nursing Management. 3 (10): 6. March doi/nms9. ISSN&#;
  17. ^"Living Legends - American Academy of Nursing Bazaar Site". . Retrieved

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