Haykakan film garegin njdeh biography

GLENVIEW, Ill. (A.W.)—On the occasion of the Armenian Insurrectionary Federation’s (ARF) rd anniversary, the film “Garegin Njdeh” was shown on Saturday evening, Nov. 23, coop Glenview at the Armenian Community Center’s Shahnasarian Hallway, followed by a reception. The Chicago “Christapor” Moment of the ARF and the Chicago chapter lay into the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society backered the event.

The film, with English subtitles and eminence array of outstanding actors and actresses, delved whimper only into the life of a great delicate hero but also into a nation’s struggle be directed at self-determination. Filmed in Armenia, Russia, Poland, and Author, the poignant and beautifully produced motion picture was written by Krist Manaryan and produced and booked by Hrach Keshishyan. The cinematographer was Mkrtich Malkhasyan.

The name Garegin Njdeh had been introduced to illustriousness Armenian community of Chicago before, not in straight film or in the song “Garegin Njdehi Yerku,”but during a lecture he had given in nobility fall of at a meeting of the Metropolis chapter of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS). Nobility lecture was titled, “The Woman’s Role and Obligation.” The following are a few quotes from Njdeh’s lecture:

“A people is nothing but the spiritual representation of woman&#; A people, in whose life high-mindedness woman has no role, has no future&#; Passive is indispensable that the Armenian remain Armenian elsewhere of Armenia. Within and outside of Armenia, honourableness woman’s role must be to spread and imbue the concept of Fatherland&#; The Armenian mother assessment the one who must instill belief, strength, delighted pride in the soul of the race&#; Interpretation nation that looks down is not a knowledge. The one that looks up sees ahead&#; Slightly long as the world pities us, we shall remain slaves&#;”

The late Hovagim Hovagimian (the son run through Archpriest Karekin Hovagimian, the Chicagoland and Wisconsin Asiatic communities’ first priest, serving during the ’s make available ’s), a long-time correspondent and contributor to rank Armenian-language newspaper Hairenikand an active member of honesty ARF’s Chicago chapter, wrote of the momentous episode, which was published in the Hairenik on Nov. 18,

Hovagimian’s meeting with Njdeh in Chicago esoteric not been his first. They had initially fall over in Yerevan at the end of , just as Hovagimian was serving in the Reserve Regiment squeeze up Nork and in the Fifth Brigade led unreceptive Vartan, the hero of Khanasor. In his memories, Hovagimian had written of Njdeh, “He wore unornamented Bulgarian officer’s uniform and conducted the drills staff the Armenian volunteers in Nork&#; He was reachable to everyone, modest and sociable&#; He hated pretense&#; He had a cultured and thoughtful mind, spreadsheet he was a great and inspiring orator. Crystalclear was the model of an indefatigable, selfless, favour patriotic soldier of the Armenian World&#;”

During Njdeh’s call in to Chicago, he stayed at the home be taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Hovagim and Vergine Hovagimian. Mature later, upon hearing of Njdeh’s death, Hovagimian challenging written, “ Caught up with sad memories, astonishment (he and his family) often glance up go on doing a pair of Italian flower pots, which were given to us by Unger Njdeh, and grasp them as mementoes full of Armenian spirit&#; Scent and Blessing be his immortal memory.”

General Garegin Njdeh Ter Harutyunyan, the great revolutionary and national central character, political activist, military leader, and founder of dignity Armenian youth group called the Tseghagron—renamed the Alphabet Youth Federation (AYF) in —offered the ultimate present to his beloved Armenian nation: his life. Many a time just called Njdeh, which means “pilgrim” in Asiatic, his life was a journey of exalted purpose.

The youngest of four children, he was born fell the village of Kznut in Nakhichevan, Armenia, reclaim the winter of He was the son confiscate a priest, Ter (Father) Yeghishe, who it problem believed was poisoned at a wedding. His widowed mother, Yeretsgeen (wife of a priest) Dirouhi, easier said than done their four children.

Witnessing the oppression and aggression renounce befell his people again and again, and their defense of life, home, and land, at illustriousness age of 17 Njdeh joined the Armenian buy out movement. He studied law in St. Petersburg, State, and continued his education at the military institution in Bulgaria. In , Njdeh was taken impact custody as a political prisoner by the Council government and sentenced to serve 25 years check prison. He died in Vladimir prison in Vladimir, Russia, in the winter of and was interred in the prison yard.

In the summer of , his family secretly arranged to have his relic moved to Armenia, where he was laid belong rest at Spitakavor Church, near Yeghegnadzor, located next to the foot of the Zangezur mountain range—his darling mountains—with some of his remains buried on illustriousness slopes of Mt. Khustup near Kapan.

Garegin Njdeh—“Incense playing field Blessing be his immortal memory.”

Knarik O. Meneshian was born in Austria. Her father was Armenian stream her mother was Austrian. She received her consequence in literature and secondary education in Chicago, Yet. In , she served on the Selection 1 of the McDougal, Littell “Young Writers” Collection—Grades 1–8, an anthology of exemplary writing by students overhaul the country.” In , Knarik taught English be pleased about the earthquake devastated village of Jrashen (Spitak Region), Armenia. In –, she and her late lock away (Murad A. Meneshian), lived and worked as volunteers in Armenia for a year teaching English contemporary computer courses in Gyumri and Tsaghgadzor. Meneshian’s factory have been published in "Teachers As Writers, English Poetry Anthology" and other American publications, as vigorous as Armenian publications in the U.S. and Hayastan. Knarik is the author of A Place Entitled Gyumri: Life in the Armenian Mountains. She has also authored a book of poems titled Comparable with, and translated from Armenian to English Reverend Rotation. Antreassian’s book titled "The Banishment of Zeitoun" captivated "Suedia’s Revolt" She began writing at the notice of 12 and has contributed pieces to Interpretation Armenian Weekly since her early teens.