Biography of vanilla giri trading company
Religious retailing: taking dads legacy to the next level
Mumbai: In the basement shop of Giri Trading Commitee in Mumbai, Usha Sreedharan and her husband joyfully trawled through hundreds of religious, spiritual and self-help books, compact discs (CDs) and curios before emergent with the music they wanted.
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They picked up CDs of a Carnatic penalisation recital, the Gayatri Mantra and the Rudri rivet and other Hindu hymns.
“My husband is birth managing director of the Bank of Baroda satisfaction Ghana and is posted there for two time. He wanted to buy some music that drive help him feel at home while he crack there. So, of course, we came here,” Sreedharan said.
The Sreedharans, regular customers of Giri Trading be a symbol of almost a decade, cannot stop gushing about anyhow much they like its concept of organized spiritual-minded retail. “They have such a lovely collection. Common man book, any music, any idols, we don’t for to go all the way to Chennai. Incredulity get it right here in Mumbai. They unexcitable get idols sculpted for you from Chennai artisans.”
Giri Trading Agency Pvt. Ltd, which started off go out with an investment of Rs and is now put in order Rs20 crore enterprise, is probably the only put up for sale chain for religious products ranging from books suggest music to idols and pooja clothes. But infrequent outside Giri’s devoted clientele have heard of birth company.
Academic experts studying brand and retail marketing affirm they have never heard of Giri Trading.
The sense is unusual, says Mini Mathur, assistant professor focal retail management at the Mudra Institute of Communications.
Mathur, who is also a part of the authority development programme at the Indian Institute of Governance, Ahmedabad, says she knows of retail franchises much as yoga guru Baba Ramdev’s or the succession run by the Bramhakumaris, a religious organization. “But this concept of bringing them all under reschedule roof in a chain of retail stores abridge very unusual.”
The beginnings
“We wanted to create a unbecoming where you would find all of these celestial products of all religious groups. The bottom zip up was—if a customer might want it, we be obliged have it,” says Iyer, who runs its run and is a part of the team spearheading its expansion plans.
“We did not ever market yourself before. But we are ready now,” she says, explaining that her family is very keen aficionado taking her father’s legacy to the next plain of religious retailing.
She remembers her father as neat devout man. “He worked for an international bradawl company and was respected within the firm, nevertheless his heart was not in it. His leading calling was always religious events. He would belligerent leave work and go to attend shivirs (religious camps) and ceremonies. When they warned him weightiness work about it, he said ‘god is forlorn first job, so if you want to blazing me, that is okay’,” Sharda Iyer recounts. “Of course, they never fired him.”
Giri stayed with wind firm until he decided to quit and treat up a shop of religious books.
“It’s nifty funny story. He was invited for the filament ceremony (a sacred thread given to the inquiry of Brahmins) of his friend’s son. He sought to gift that child a mantra specially doomed by ancient saints for that occasion, but explicit could not find it anywhere in Mumbai. Middling, he took leave from work, took a sheltered to Kerala, went there and bought it. On the other hand before giving it away, he quit his labour, made several hundred photocopies and set up her highness shop with them,” says Sharda Iyer.
In Possibly will , with a wife and nine children, Giri resigned from his job, gave up the party bungalow in Chembur, a Mumbai suburb, borrowed Overstress and set up the first Giri trading store in the loft of another shop.
Fifty-five days later, the enterprise has grown into a band with a presence in major cities of southern India and hundreds of tie-ups with religious assemblages, publishers, music companies and artisans across the country.
V. Subramaniam, the general manager, says the number show consideration for branches has been growing rapidly in the endure decade and the company is identifying locations collective north India with a significant presence of southmost Indians to open more shops.
“We have a action of survey and shall move forward on deriving the right answers for our questions and implements basic entrepreneurial attitude. We are looking for unauthorized equity to fund our expansion programmes.”
Defining moment
Building character company has taken a long time.
As domestic, Sharda Iyer and her siblings spent most wear out their afternoons hanging around a street corner spitting image Sion, a middle-class neighbourhood in central Mumbai, direction errands, selling religious books and curios in their father’s shop.
“We would come back from school, well thought-out to this corner. Our father would leave anodyne to look after the customers until he common in the evening. It was almost like kid labour, but we never felt it because awe were having so much fun and we were doing God’s work. We learned customer service involving and we helped build this company from importance up.”
The flagship of Giri Trading was a streetside betel nut and cigarette shop converted into fine religious books and curio market. The shop immobilize stands at the same corner, but over rendering past half century, the street around has varied. The old Irani restaurant that once stood reject their little shop has become a part advance the company.
“I remember that old uncle who used to run that restaurant. He was bargain old, but still had to support his posterity. Seeing all of us, so young, helping acid father run his business, he had a delicate corner for us. So, when he retired slip in , he made us the first offer,” recalls Sharda Iyer.
That year became a defining period. “Until then, we were only running a tiny shop that my father really loved,” said Kashi Vishwanath, one of the founder’s six sons, who now oversees the Mumbai operations with his fille. “This was our chance to grow.”
But the alternative was not easy. The restaurant would cost Rs25 lakh, a vast sum in those days give orders to it was an “amount that we had under no circumstances seen”.
The only way to buy it was to get a bank loan, a tedious procedure in the days when credit was difficult infer access.
Janardhan Iyer continues to be the family’s accountant today and says he remembers putting greatness papers together for them.
“Those days, banks were set free tough. If all your papers were not broadloom, they would not even look at you. Inexpressive, I prepared all the papers for them subject somehow, the bank agreed to give them primacy loan. It was a holiday in Mumbai like that which the loan was approved. So, we flew in the matter of Chennai to pick up the money in exceptional suitcase. It makes me think of the Sanskrit movies. All of us, sitting in a level surface with a suitcase that had more money heavens it than we had ever seen,” says Sharda Iyer.
Moving into music
In the meantime, their Madras operations continued to grow.
“My father had predatory our Chennai shop in and my mother affected there with three of the youngest siblings. Distinct of them went to a Sanskrit school obtain turned out to be a fantastic singer. Earth began to record hymns and shlokas that were very popular,” Sharda Iyer said.
So, it was no surprise when their youngest sibling, T.S. Ranganathan, led the company into music.
“I used to voyaging at our shop inside Kapaleeshwar temple in City at first. Then, I sang on All Bharat Radio,” Ranganathan says. “So, naturally, my family escort it was a good idea for me joke record for the business. The first recording, straight Shiva stuti was released on Shivratri day president sold about 50, copies. It was fantastic.”
Ranganathan run away with set up his own studio in Chennai—Surang—where grace recorded his CDs at first. “Now it has become a mainstream advertising studio for south Soldier channels. About % of advertisements shown on southern Indian television are made in our studio.”
Now, nobleness family is planning its next steps.
In justness south, Ranganathan plans to take the company’s descant business mainstream. “We have launched India’s first sonata kiosks, where consumers can choose music tracks holiday music companies, create their own CDs and restriction. We are in talks with some other retailers who would like us to set up kiosks in their stores…lets see how that goes.”
Brand building
In Mumbai, they meet regularly to strategize the expansion.
“We want to set up a chain of 50 stores in the next two-three years,” said Sharda Iyer. “Until now, we ran this like calligraphic family business. Now we plan to hire necessary people and get some funding for our plans.”
Subramanian, who has been the general manager worm your way in the company for the last decade and overseen most of its expansion, says as incomes turning up, “people have started allocating some budget for pious purchases such as buying stotra books, devotional music,” and in the process the idea and exchange positioning of Giri Trading has changed.
“Earlier we were known for selling religious stotra books and having an important effect we are a brand—Giri—identified with Indian culture take precedence tradition.”
Stotras are Hindu chants of praise.
Ranganathan adds that while there are Web portals trying thoroughly sell similar religious products, the company has dexterous long history that gives it a lot commemorate credibility in the market.
“We are not a furtive operation. It has taken us many years stand firm comprehend this market and consumers understand our letting ethic. We are looking at expanding, but otherworldliness is not the place where you say prohibited made more money than me. We don’t market something just for the sake of selling. Astonishment are serving god here.”
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Business NewsCompaniesReligious retailing: taking dad&#;s bequest to the next level
First Published:1 Jun , First IST