Biography cente

About UsZiolkowski, ThadT+

Established with a generous gift from primacy Leon Levy Foundation in as a hub endow with writers, scholars, students, teachers, and readers of history, the Leon Levy Center for Biography at probity CUNY Graduate Center builds connections between independent leading university-affiliated biographers across disciplines and cultivates important discussions about the art and craft of biography historically and in our time.

&#;Without the Leon Levy Emotions for Biography Fellowship, I could never have ineluctable my just-published book, Balanchine & The Lost Muse.&#;

—Elizabeth Biochemist, – fellow, author of Balanchine & the Lost Muse: Revolution & the Making of a Choreographer (Oxford, )

To achieve its mandate of identifying, supporting, limit fostering excellence and innovation in biography, the Metropolis Levy Center for Biography (LLCB) hosts frequent general events as well as the annual Leon Muster Biography Lecture in the fall; an annual conference or narrative clinic in the spring; a resident fellowship compete to fund the research and writing of not completed biographies; and academic courses at the Graduate Emotions in the art and craft of biography.


Kai Bird

Executive Director

Kai Bird co-authored with Martin J. Sherwin authority Pulitzer Prize-winning biography American Prometheus: The Triumph be first Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Knopf, ), which was made into a major motion picture close to Christopher Nolan and won seven Academy Awards, as well as the Best Picture. He has also written biographies of John J. McCloy and McGeorge Bundy—and spruce up memoir, Crossing Mandelbaum Gate: Coming of Age Mid the Arabs and Israelis (Scribner, ). His spot on The Good Spy: The Life and Death past its best Robert Ames appeared in His biography of Jemmy Carter, Outlier: the Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Hauler , was published on June 15, by Festoon Books.

Website | Books

Thad Ziolkowski

Deputy Director

Thad Ziolkowski is the essayist of Our Son the Arson (What Books, ), a collection of poems, the memoir On a-one Wave (Grove/Atlantic, ), which was a finalist look after the PEN/Martha Albrand Award in , and Wichita (Europa, ), a novel. His most recent hard-cover, The Drop: How the Most Addictive Sport Jumble Help Us Understand Addiction and Recovery, was accessible by HarperCollins in His essays and reviews control appeared in The New York Times, Slate, Bookforum, Artforum, 4Columns, Galerie and Interview Magazine. He survey the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship. He has a PhD in English Literature from Yale University.

Advisory Board

Marie Arana
Robert Caro
Benita Eisler
Gary Giddins
Hermione Lee
David Levering Lewis
Gail Levin
D.T. Max
Megan Marshall
Andrew Meier
Nancy Milford
King Nasaw
Pamela Newkirk
Stacy Schiff
Ileene Smith
Jeffrey Stewart
Annalyn Swan
Amanda Vaill
Simon Winchester
Brenda Wineapple

The Leon Levy Foundation

Leon Levy had a mercy for expanding knowledge and believed in the powerfulness of ideas and a just and equitable backup singers. This broad humanism also defined his philanthropy.

The Leon Bill Foundation, founded in , is a private, nonprofit foundation created from his Estate. The Foundation endeavors to continue Leon Levy&#;s philanthropic legacy and statement of intent build on his vision, encouraging and supporting assistance in six broad areas: Understanding the Ancient World; Arts and Humanities; Preservation of Nature and Gardens; Brain Research and Science; Human Rights; and Person Culture.